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Free download in PDF Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for competitive exams. These short objective type questions with answers are very important for Board exams as well as competitive exams like UPSC, NDA, SSC etc. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries./p>
When chlorine gas reacts with methane, Which of the product is formed?
The methyl chloride undergoes substitution to form __________
Methane reacts more readily with chlorine than with Fluorine.
Identify the one which is not a type of chlorination?
Free radical chlorination
Electrophobic chlorination
Ketone chlorination
Chlorine addition reaction
Answer: Electrophobic chlorination
Which among the following on chlorination undergoes substitution at the alkyl group?
Hydroxyl groups
Carbonyl compounds
Carboxylic acids
In the presence of red phosphorous, chlorine converts the fatty acids having alpha hydrogen atoms into __________
Halo acids
Alpha-halo acids
Alpha,alpha-dihalo acids
Trihalo acids
Chlorine in the presence of which among the following generates positively charged species?
Ferric chloride
Anhydrous ferric chloride
Ferrous chloride
Anhydrous ferrous chloride
Answer: Anhydrous ferric chloride
p-nitrotoluene on reaction with chlorine forms hydrogen chloride and __________
p-Nitrobenzyl chloride
o-Nitrobenzyl chloride
m-Nitrobenzyl chloride
Nitrobenzyl chloride
Answer: p-Nitrobenzyl chloride
Chlorination of cyclobutane gives which among the following in addition to hydrogen chloride?
Cyclobutyl chloride
Cyclobutyl chlorite
Answer: Cyclobutyl chlorite
The step in which Cl-Cl bond homolysis occurs is called __________
Initiation step
Propagation step
Intermediate step
Termination step