
Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Questions and Answers – Hybrid Orbitals

(1) The energy which must be transferred to any atom to dislodge an electron is called?
[A] Free energy
[B] Ionization Energy
[C] Quantum mechanical energy
[D] Dissociation Energy
Answer: Ionization Energy
(2) Potassium Ion K+ has the same electronic configuration as that of which noble gases mentioned below?
[A] Krypton
[B] Xenon
[C] Argon
[D] Radon
Answer: Argon
(3) Ten covalent bonds in the Lewis structure of Propane will account for how many valence electrons?
[A] 10
[B] 20
[C] 14
[D] 12
Answer: 20
(4) What is the hybridization of oxygen in water?
[A] sp
[B] sp2
[C] sp3
[D] sp3d
Answer: sp3
(5) The electronegativity difference between the covalently bonded atoms is _________
[A] Less than 0
[B] 0-0.3
[C] 0.3-1.7
[D] Over 1.7
Answer: 0-0.3
(6) What is the hybridization of Carbon atom in CF4?
[A] sp2
[B] sp
[C] sp3d
[D] sp3
Answer: sp3
(7) Which one has zero dipole moment?
[A] C6H6
[B] NH3
[C] H2S
[D] NO
Answer: C6H6
(8) Which one have both sigma and pi bonds?
[A] H2S
[B] NO2
[C] HClO
[D] NaCN
Answer: NaCN
(9) PH3, SO3, and HF are examples of polar molecules.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: False
(10) What is the hybridization of sulphur in H2S?
[A] sp
[B] sp2
[C] sp3
[D] sp3d
Answer: sp3