
Union Legislature - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Page-10

(91) What is the maximum number of starred questions that can be asked in Lok Sabha on a particular day?
[A] 15
[B] 20
[C] 25
[D] No limit


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is 20. The maximum number of Questions to be placed on the list of Questions for oral answers (Starred Question) on a particular day is 20, while the maximum number of questions to be placed on the list of Unstarred Question is 230. However, the number of Unstarred Questions may exceed by a maximum of 25 Questions pertaining to State/States under Presidents Rule.

(92) The Council of Ministers in a State is collectively responsible to
[A] The Governor
[B] The Chief Minister
[C] The President of India
[D] The Legislative Assembly


Answer: Option [D]

The Council of Ministers in a State is collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly was the governing body of France between October 1791 and September 1792.

(93) Rajya Sabha being a permanent house
[A] One-half of its members retire every three years
[B] One-third of its members retire every two years
[C] One-fifth of its members retire every years
[D] One-sixth of its members retire every years


Answer: Option [B]

Rajya Sabha being a permanent house One-third of its members retire every two years. The Rajya Sabha is a permanent House. The Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved. Each member of Rajya Sabha is elected for a term six years. 1/3rd of its total member retire after every two years.

(94) In which State does the Governor nominate women to the Assembly?
[A] Sikkim
[B] Manipur
[C] Nagaland
[D] Jammu & Kashmir


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Jammu & Kashmir. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir has been conferred with the power to appoint two women as members of legislative assembly by Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, if he is of opinion that women are not adequately represented in house.

(95) The Joint Session of both the Houses of Parliament is summoned by
[A] President
[B] Prime Minister
[C] Chairman of Rajya Sabha
[D] Speaker of the Lok Sabha


Answer: Option [A]

The Joint Session of both the Houses of Parliament is summoned by President. The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President of India (Article 108) and is presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or, in their absence, by the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, or in their absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

(96) In a federal Government the states enjoy
[A] Original powers
[B] Powers given by the people
[C] Powers given by the Constitution
[D] Powers delegated by the Centre


Answer: Option [C]

In a federal Government the states enjoy Powers given by the Constitution. In federal form of government there is complete division of powers between center and states. Constitution is the guiding document which confers powers to state government and central government in this set up.

(97) What is the duration of membership of State Legislative Councils?
[A] 4 years
[B] 6 years
[C] 8 years
[D] 10 years


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is 6 years. The tenure of the membership of State Legislative Councils are six years. One-third of the members of State Legislative Council retire after every two years. This arrangement parallels that for the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India.

(98) The Residuary powers of the Indian Union are
[A] Vested with the Centre
[B] Vested with the States
[C] There are no residuary powers
[D] They are distributed between the centre and the states.


Answer: Option [A]

The Residuary powers of the Indian Union are Vested with the Centre.

(99) A mid-term poll is conducted when
[A] All MP’s of a political party resign
[B] There are discrepancies in voting
[C] An elected member resigns from his seat
[D] A the Lok Sabha is dissolved before completion of its term


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is a the Lok Sabha is dissolved before completion of its term. A midterm election refers to a type of staggered election where the members take office at the middle of the term of another set of members, or of the executive. In India, mid-term polls have taken place several times, reflecting the instability at the centre or states. Normally, the pre-mature dissolution of the Lok Sabha or the State Assemblies call for such elections.

(100) A proclamation of emergency caused by war or external aggression must be approved by both the Houses of Parliament within
[A] 25 days
[B] 1 month
[C] 45 days
[D] 3 months


Answer: Option [B]

A proclamation of emergency caused by war or external aggression must be approved by both the Houses of Parliament within 1 month. Article 352 of the Indian Constitution states that an emergency can be called in the event of eminent danger to the national security due to armed rebellion, war or external aggression. Every proclamation is required to be laid before each House of Parliament, it will cease to operate after one month from the date of its issue unless in the meantime it is approved by the parliament, the proclamation may continue for a period of 6 months unless revoked by the president.

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