
Union Legislature - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Page-8

(71) The 3-tier of the Panchayati Raj System consists of
[A] Gram Sabha, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad
[B] Gram Sabha, Anchal Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti
[C] Janapad Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat, Anchal Panchayat
[D] Gram Panchayat, Block and Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad


Answer: Option [A]

The 3-tier of the Panchayati Raj System consists of Gram Sabha, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad. Panchayati Raj is a system of governance in which are the basic unit of administrations. It has 33 levels: Gram panchayat(village level), Mandal Parishad or block samiti or panchayat samiti(block level) and Zila parishad(district level).

(72) The two forms of democracy are
[A] Parliamentary and King
[B] Monarchical and Republican
[C] Direct and indirect
[D] Parliamentary and Presidential


Answer: Option [C]

The two forms of democracy are Direct and indirect. Democracy is of two types direct and indirect. In direct democracy people participate directly in policy initiatives and decision making. Where as in indirect democracy decision making is done by the representatives elected by people.

(73) Despotism is possible in a
[A] One party state
[B] Two party state
[C] Multi party state
[D] Two and Multi party state


Answer: Option [A]

Despotism is possible in a One party state. Despotism is a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. That entity may be an individual, as in an autocracy, or it may be a group. In its classical form, despotism is a state in which a single individual (the despot) wields all the power and authority embodying the state, and everyone else is a subsidiary person.

(74) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha has to address his/her letter of resignation to
[A] President of India
[B] Prime Minister of India
[C] Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
[D] Minister of Parliamentary Affairs


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha. The Speaker is elected from amongst it's members. Usually the speaker remains in office during the life of the Lok Sabha. However, he may resign earlier by addressing his resignation to the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

(75) How many members of the Anglo-Indian community can be nominated by the President of India to the Parliament?
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4


Answer: Option [B]

There are 2 members of the Anglo-Indian community can be nominated by the President of India to the Parliament. According to Article 331 of the Indian Constitution not more than two members of the Anglo-Indian community are nominated by the President of India to the House of people if in his/her opinion they are not adequately represented.

(76) In which State of India, was a non-Congress government formed for the first time?
[A] Kerala
[B] Pondicherry
[C] Tamil Nadu
[D] West Bangle


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Kerala. The party succeeded in defeating Congress in 1957 in a state election. Thus, it formed the first non-Congress state government in Kerala.

(77) How many members of the Rajya Sabha retire from the house every 2 years?
[A] 1/6 of the total members
[B] 1/3 of the total members
[C] 1/12 of the total members
[D] 5/6 of the total members


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is 1/3 of the total members. Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the Parliament. The Constitution fixes the maximum membership to 250. The members are elected by indirect election for a period of six years by state and territorial legislatures using single transferable votes. One-third of members retire every two years.

(78) How many times was the term of the Lok Sabha extended upto 6 years?
[A] Once
[B] Twice
[C] Thrice
[D] Never


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Option A. Only once in the history of independent India was the term of the Lok Sabha extended upto 6 years. This can happen in case of National Emergency. After the conclusion of National Emergency, Lok Sabha is extended by one year. It happened once in India during Indira Gandhi rule. Her rule was extended by one year.

(79) Among the tax revenues of the Union Government, the most important source is
[A] Income Tax
[B] Customs Duty
[C] Corporation Tax
[D] Union Excise Duties


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Union Excise Duties. The Union excise duties are the leading source of revenue for the Central Government and are levied on commo­dities produced within the country (exclu­ding those commodities on which State excise is levied e.g. liquors and narcotic drugs).

(80) Which is not the concern of the local government?
[A] Sanitation
[B] Public-Health
[C] Law and Order
[D] Public Utility Services


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Law and Order. State list consists of 61 items (previously 66 items). Uniformity is desirable but not essential on items in this list: maintaining law and order, police forces, healthcare, transport, land policies, electricity in state, village administration, etc. The state legislature has exclusive power to make laws on these subjects. But in certain circumstances, the parliament can also make laws on subjects mentioned in the State list.

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