
Union Legislature - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Page-4

(31) The item ‘Education’ belongs to the
[A] State List
[B] Union List
[C] Concurrent List
[D] Residuary Subjects


Answer: Option [C]

The item ‘Education’ belongs to the Concurrent List. Under the Constitution of India legislative section is divided into three lists; Union List, State List and Concurrent List. Among the 52 items education is one of the item in Concurrent List.

(32) The joint session of the two Houses of Parliament is convened
[A] Only in case of national emergency
[B] When a bill passed by one House is rejected by the other House
[C] Taxes approved by one House are rejected by the other House
[D] Both (B) and (C)


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Both (B) and (C). Article 108 of the Constitution of India provides for Joint sittings of both the Houses to break this deadlock. The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President and is presided over by the Speaker or, in his absence, by the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha or in his absence, the Deputy-Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

(33) An Ordinary bill passed by the State Assembly can be delayed by the Legislative Council for a maximum period of
[A] 2 month
[B] 3 month
[C] 4 month
[D] 5 month


Answer: Option [C]

An Ordinary bill passed by the State Assembly can be delayed by the Legislative Council for a maximum period of 4 month. State Legislative Council has very limited powers in the passage of bills. Only the ordinary bill can be introduced in legislative council. And any ordinary bill which is introduced in Legislative Assembly will move to Legislative Council after passage, Legislative Council then can pass the bill, amend the bill or can delay the bill for maximum period of 4 months.

(34) Which of the following is the biggest head of non-plan expenditure of Government of India?
[A] Defence
[B] Subsidies
[C] Salaries and Wages
[D] Interest payments


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Interest payments. Non-plan expenditure is the amount spent by the government on the non-productive areas, such as salaries, subsidies, loans and interest, pensions, statutory transfers to States and Union Territories governments.

(35) Resources transferred from the Government of India to States are termed ‘statutory’ if they are made
[A] In the form of loans
[B] In the form of grants
[C] On the recommendations of the Finance Commission
[D] On the recommendations of the Planning Commission


Answer: Option [C]

Resources transferred from the Government of India to States are termed ‘statutory’ if they are made On the recommendations of the Finance Commission. In an explicit recognition of vertical and horizontal imbalances, the Indian Constitution embodies enabling and mandatory provisions to address them through the transfer of resources from the Centre to the States. Statutory grants-in-aid of the revenues of States are dealt in Article 275 of the Constitution. It is done on the basis of recommendation of the Finance Commission of India.

(36) Which city in India is the first to use municipal wastes to generate power?
[A] Chennai
[B] Delhi
[C] Mumbai
[D] Kolkata


Answer: Option [B]

The correct answer is Delhi. The first waste-to-energy plant was set up in Timarpur in Delhi in 1987. Built by a company from Denmark, the plant was supposed to incinerate 300 tonnes of municipal solid waste per day to generate 3.75 megawatts of electricity.

(37) Which of the following States was first to adopt the Panchayati Raj?
[A] Rajasthan
[B] Punjab
[C] Gujarat
[D] Uttar Pradesh


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Rajasthan. Rajasthan was the first state to implement Panchayati Raj in India on 2nd of Oct 1959 in the Nagaur district. Rajasthan was followed by Andhra Pradesh which also implemented in the year 1959.

(38) Indian Parliament can rename or redefine the boundary of a State by
[A] Absolute majority
[B] A simple majority
[C] 2/3rd majority of the members voting
[D] 2/3rd majority of the members voting and an absolute majority of its total membership


Answer: Option [B]

Indian Parliament can rename or redefine the boundary of a State by A simple majority. Parliament of India can rename or redefine the boundary of a state by simply passing the bill with simple majority in both the houses of parliament. And no such bill can be introduced in parliament except on recommendation of President.

(39) Which of the following Indian States first adopted the 3-tier Panchayati Raj system?
[A] Bihar
[B] Assam
[C] Rajasthan
[D] Gujarat


Answer: Option [C]

The correct answer is Rajasthan. Rajasthan was the first state to implement Panchayati Raj in India on 2nd of Oct 1959 in the Nagaur district. Rajasthan was followed by Andhra Pradesh which also implemented in the year 1959. Thereafter most of the states adopted the system.

(40) Elections to the House of the People and the legislative assemblies of States in India are held on the basis of:
[A] Adult franchise
[B] Limited suffrage
[C] single transferable vote
[D] Proportional representation


Answer: Option [A]

Elections to the House of the People and the legislative assemblies of States in India are held on the basis of Adult franchise.

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