
Union Legislature - General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Page-7

(61) The Prime Minister who was voted out of power by the Parliament was
[A] V.P. Singh
[B] Indira Gandhi
[C] Morarji Desai
[D] Chandrashekhar


Answer: Option [A]

The Prime Minister who was voted out of power by the Parliament was V.P. Singh. Vishwanath Pratap Singh (25 June, 1931 – 27 November, 2008) was the seventh Prime Minister of India and the 41st Raja Bahadur of Manda. Singh held office for slightly less than a year, from 2 December 1989 to 10 November, 1990.

(62) The Indian Parliament is competent to enact law on a State subject if
[A] The President sends such a message to Parliament
[B] Emergency under Article 352 is in operation
[C] All the state Assemblies of the country make such a request
[D] None of these


Answer: Option [B]

The Indian Parliament is competent to enact law on a State subject if emergency under Article 352 is in operation. When National emergency 7under article 352 is in force, the Parliament can make laws on the 66 subjects of the State List (which contains subjects on which the state governments can make laws). Also, all money bills are referred to the Parliament for its approval.

(63) A national political party is one which received 4% of the total votes polled in
[A] The capital city
[B] Two or more States
[C] Four or more States
[D] In all the States


Answer: Option [C]

A national political party is one which received 4% of the total votes polled in four or more States.

(64) A Bill referred to a ‘Joint Sitting of the two Houses of the Parliament is required to be passed by
[A] A simple majority of the members present
[B] Absolute majority of the total membership
[C] 2/3rd majority of the members present
[D] 3/4th majority of the members present


Answer: Option [A]

A Bill referred to a ‘Joint Sitting of the two Houses of the Parliament is required to be passed by a simple majority of the members present.

(65) The Rajya Sabha is dissolved after
[A] Every five years
[B] Every six years
[C] On the advice of the Prime Minister
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is None of the above. The Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and unlike the Lok Sabha, it cannot be dissolved at any time. Each member of the Rajaya Sabha serves for a term of six years. But one third of its members retire at the expiration of every two years. The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

(66) Which party provided two Prime Ministers in two years time?
[A] B.J.P.
[B] Janata Party
[C] Janata Dal
[D] Samajwadi Janata Party


Answer: Option [B]

Janata Party provided two Prime Ministers in two years time. The Janata Party (People’s Party) was an amalgam of Indian political parties opposed to the State of Emergency that was imposed between 1975 and 1977 by the government of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her party, the Indian National Congress (R). Morarji Desai became the fourth Prime Minister of India from 1977 to 1979. In 1979, Raj Narain and Charan Singh pulled out of the Janata Party, forcing Desai to resign from office. Charan Singh was the fifth Prime Minister of the Republic of India, serving from 28 July, 1979 until 14 January, 1980.

(67) The first mid-term elections for Lok Sabha were held in
[A] 1962
[B] 1965
[C] 1971
[D] 1975


Answer: Option [C]

The first mid-term elections for Lok Sabha were held in 1971. General elections were held in India between 1 and 10 March 1971 to elect members of the 5th Lok Sabha.

(68) The ‘Speaker’s vote’ in the Lok Sabha is called
[A] Indirect vote
[B] Direct vote
[C] Sound vote
[D] Casting vote


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Casting vote. The Chairman or Speaker or person acting as such, cannot vote in the Parliament in the first instance. But in case of equality of votes on each side, he/she can vote to resolve the deadlock. This extra vote is called "Casting vote" or "Speaker's vote". It can only be exercised when such a deadlock exists.

(69) To be a regional party the minimum percentage of votes, that a party needs to secure in any election is
[A] 1%
[B] 2%
[C] 3%
[D] 4%


Answer: Option [C]

To be a regional party the minimum percentage of votes, that a party needs to secure in any election is 3%.

(70) The most important feature of the Indian Parliament is that
[A] It is bicameral in nature
[B] It also comprises the President
[C] It is the Union Legislature in India
[D] The Upper House of the Parliament is never dissolved


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is the Upper House of the Parliament is never dissolved.

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